
Often people contribute to crimes of opportunity by needlessly placing themselves or their property at risk. Prevention efforts can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity.


  • 注册或更新您的个人信息 鹰警报.
  • Add additional important contacts under your 鹰警报 account (parents, 监护人, 所爱的人, 等.).
  • 比如Facebook上的CMU (www.脸谱网.com/centralmethodist)或Twitter (@cmuniv),以便在紧急情况下掌握最新情况.
  • 在您的手机中设置一个“紧急情况”(ICE)入口.
  • 了解在紧急情况下你应该做什么.
  • 把你的车一直锁上,把贵重物品放在视线之外.
  • 了解每栋楼的紧急出口在哪里. 他们被张贴在楼梯或电梯旁.
  • 检查住所的安全问题(窗户、锁、照明等).) and report anything not functioning properly to your residence hall director or residence assistant.


  • 注意你周围的环境(情境意识). 使用电子设备时避免走动(例如.e. 手机、I-Pod等.). 电子设备可能会分散你对周围发生的事情的注意力.
  • 不要独自旅行. 无论在校内还是校外,和朋友一起旅行都是个好主意. If you find yourself alone on campus and you are not comfortable walking by yourself, you may call campus safety C: 660-202-0848 24/7 or 660-248-6295 (Plant Operations) during normal business hours to have a safety officer accompany you to and from locations on campus.
  • 了解你的校园. 至少要看一看校园地图. 知道紧急电话的位置. Best practice is to walk the campus during daylight hours so you become more familiar with your surroundings during hours of darkness.
  • When traveling on campus by foot during hours of darkness ensure you walk in areas that are well lighted with a friend.
  • Keep your phone readily available and have emergency phone numbers handy for unexpected emergency situations.
  • 当你走向你的车, have your keys in your hand and ready to use when you enter the parking lot or street.
  • 如果你觉得自己被跟踪了, 步行或跑步到有人居住的宿舍, 设施, 或者是有人的地方. 大喊大叫也会有效果. Be prepared to call campus safety C: 660-202-0848 24/7 or 660-248-6295 (Plant Operations) during normal business hours. 在紧急情况下打911给费耶特警察局.
  • 永远不要让任何人跟着你进入需要钥匙卡的大楼. 如果他们需要进去,他们会有一张钥匙卡.
  • 永远不要撑开需要钥匙卡的门. 不属于这栋楼的人就是这样进来的.
  • 确保房间或家里的门窗安全.
  • 千万不要炫耀大笔的钱或把钱放在无担保的地方. 个人物品不使用时,请妥善保管.
  • 如果你是目击证人或受害者,报案. 敏感的犯罪可以秘密报告.


很大一部分校园犯罪是偶然事件. Often students contribute to situational crimes by needlessly placing themselves or their property at risk. 只要有机会,犯罪就会发生, 但是,预防工作可以有效地减少这些机会. 你们在预防犯罪工作中发挥着至关重要的作用. Be cautious, careful, and alert to your own safety; protect your possessions and college property.


建设更安全的社区. 你的角色是什么?

The CMU 旁观者倡议 is a community mobilization effort that focuses on leadership and bystander intervention to prevent harm on campus. CMU 旁观者倡议 was designed to help members of the CMU community take proactive steps to create a safe campus, 认识到潜在的有害情况, 确定干预的障碍/障碍, and develop a course of action to intervene when a witness to a potential moment of harm. CMU 旁观者倡议 helps CMU community members cultivate a skill set to take positive action when encountering potential moments of harm. Members of the CMU community who participate in the CMU Bystander Imitative workshops and leadership training learn to recognize harmful behaviors that can arise in social settings and collaborate with one another to develop intervention strategies that accommodate various scenarios and individual strengths.


  • A bystander is a person who is present when an event takes place but isn't directly involved. Bystanders might be present when sexual assault or abuse occurs-or they could witness the circumstances that lead up to these crimes.
  • Stepping in as a bystander may give the person you're concerned about a chance to get to a safe place or leave the situation.
  • A key first step in being an effective bystander is heightened awareness so individuals and groups are better able to identify instances of sexual violence.
  • 虽然决定介入并采取行动并不总是那么容易, 重要的是要意识到你的行为会产生很大的影响.
  • 在很多情况下, bystanders have the opportunity to prevent crimes like sexual assault from happening in the first place.

绿点旁观者干预? 帮助-绿点旁观者干预


  • At CMU most buildings are open only when classes are in session or during regular business hours. Residence halls are always locked and residents must have their card access key to enter. 客人只有在居民陪同下才能进入.
  • Employees who have a key to a campus building and desire to work after hours are encouraged to contact campus safety to let the officer know; who, 什么时候, where and why they will be occupying a building to ensure their safety and the room(s) and building are properly secured when work is complete. Persons who do not have a key and need access must have an after hours pass signed by the department head or director as well as their student or employee ID card to gain access by contacting campus security.
  • An authorized individual entering or leaving a locked building will not allow any unauthorized individual to enter the building. Authorized personnel may have guests with them as long as the guest stays near faculty and staff members who have an assigned key and the authorized individual assumes full responsibility for their presence. An individual entering or leaving a secured building shall be responsible for checking the door to ensure that it is latched behind them.
  • The theft or loss of assigned keys should be reported immediately to your Department supervisor and Plant Operations/Safety. 不要把你的钥匙借给别人. 你要全权负责这些钥匙. Review the campus key policy found in employee handbook under employee benefit programs.

这些只是一些建议. One may be as safe as they possibly can and still find themselves in a situation that may cause harm or personal injury. 赌钱游戏官方网站人人有责. 不要让自己变得自满, 继续了解你周围的环境(态势感知). 认识你的邻居/同学,互相照顾. Knowing who lives on your floor or belongs in a certain area can help you determine if the individual does not belong. Call campus security if you witness anything suspicious so they may further investigate. 许多犯罪都是通过举报可疑活动的电话来预防的.